The Vegan Treats Basket


Goto Florist


Delight your loved ones with The Proudly Vegan Hamper, beautifully presented in a reusable willow gift basket. This thoughtful selection is perfect for anyone embracing a vegan lifestyle. This hamper contains 9 items: Angelic Chilli & Caramelised Onion Savoury Biscuits 142g Arran Fine Foods Tomato & Red Pepper Chutney 185g Fairfields Farm Sweet Chilli Crisps 150g Howdah Onion Bhaji Crunchy Crescents 150g Lazy Day Millionaire’s Shortbread 150g Oatopia Almond Bakewell Oat Bake 60g Oatopia Peanut Butter Oat Bake 60g Ooh! Chocolata Dairy Free & Vegan Honeycomb Milk Chocolate 100g Popcorn Kitchen Simply Sweet 30g Packed in a Willow Basket.